Love and sex are NOT the same thing. Love is an emotion or a feeling. There is no one definition of love because the word “love” can mean many different things to …

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What is the difference between sex and gender? Sex = male and female. Gender = masculine and feminine. So in essence: Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs.

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Love vs. Marriage People have lots of definitions when it comes to love and marriage. Unlike marriage, love is the most subjective of them all. Its definition can vary depending on the person, and can change across different countries, cultures or religions.

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Love vs. Marriage People have lots of definitions when it comes to love and marriage. Unlike marriage, love is the most subjective of them all. Its definition can vary depending on the person, and can change across different countries, cultures or religions.

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Those little black spots on your nose may not be blackheads at all, so you can pretty much chuck your pore strips. Here’s what to know about whiteheads vs. blackheads.

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Love vs In Love Love is a strong emotion that can have various flavors. Being ‘in love’ is entirely different from loving someone. For example you can love your , but you are ‘in love’ with your spouse.

I think most women run into issues and confusion in their love lives because they don’t know what a truly healthy relationship looks like, and is suppose

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What is love bombing? It’s a seduction technique that occurs during the idealization stage of relationships with narcissists, psychopaths, histrionics, borderlines and other personality disordered rs.

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Love vs In Love Love is a strong emotion that can have various flavors. Being ‘in love’ is entirely different from loving someone. For example you can love your , but you are ‘in love’ with your spouse.

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what’s the difference between judgment and discernment? Judgment says “You are bad so I don’t love you.” Discernment says “I love you and choose to set boundaries to limit my exposure to you.”

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