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Dermatology Associates of Atlanta, GA explains the causes, removal treatments, & preventative methods for age spots (sun spots, freckles, or liver spots).

Read 102 reviews of Age Spots Treatment, including cost and before and after photos, submitted by members of the RealSelf community.

Those flat brown spots known as age spots (also commonly referred to as liver spots) that start popping up on your hands, neck and face as you get older are actually not caused by age, but sun damage that accumulates over the years. They’re more common in those with a fair complexion and appear

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I am guilty of not using proper skin protection from the sun..ok, i actually tanned every day of my 20s and 30s!!! So now I need to know what to do about age spots on my face.

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“Seb Kers” as we fondly call them, are raised velvety or warty looking spots that can be a variety of colors from white to black with yellows and many shades of brown in between.

Five Types of Laser Treatment For Age Spots. Laser treatment for age spots on face is done using a laser instrument to cleanse those spots and blemishes that come about as a result of old age or sun exposure.

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In the past few years, I’ve seen radical improvements in my skin ever since I switched to natural skin care. My routine is now painfully simple. At night, I clean my face with coconut oil and apply this apple cider vinegar facial toner (using raw apple cider vinegar). During the day, I only use safer cosmetic products (which are the bomb) for …

Finding a strange spot on your body can be pretty scary. You don’t know how long it will be there, if it’s dangerous, or what it even is. The best thing you can do when you find weird-looking spot on your body is to visit your dermatologist.

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Age spots, sometimes also called sun spots or liver spots, are skin discolorations that generally appear flat and oval shaped and can be brown, gray, or black.

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Ageing is a natural process but you definitely don’t want the world to know about it. Age spots are an evident and natural way which screams to the world that you are ageing. There are numerous treatments available to treat your ageing spots but most of them cost a fortune. So, how about going the