The idea of a transition phase between dieting and gaining phases is not new but has fallen out of favor. Today I look at both transition phases in detail.

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Post Contest Recovery Seminar Transitioning into a productive and healthy off-season mode is the best thing a career-minded physique athlete can do for themselves.

NEW from the author of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle: The Burn the Fat Online Body Transformation System

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Diet and nutrition is the single most important factor in wanting to gain weight. You can do all the weight training you want, but if your are not feeding your

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Yes you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, dont let people tell you otherwise! Working out hard is necessary but the key is good nutrition.

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Why the Wall Street Journal Claims Cardio is as Bad as Cheeseburgers and 3 Other Shocking Facts About Fat Loss

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The preponderance of the evidence suggests that both beginners, novices, intermediates, and even advanced athletes can gain muscle and strength while losing fat.

We live in sad times for bodybuilding. Although broscience is finally losing face, it’s being replaced by what I can only describe as bodybuilding nihilism (‘nothing-ism’).

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The ketosis or “keto” diet turns the body into a fat-burning machine.

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