Recent news stories have downplayed the significance of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, even going as far as suggesting that it doesn’t exist. But a growing body of evidence has proven that gluten intolerance is not only real, but is potentially a much larger problem than celiac disease.

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8. You’re not allowed to sign legal documents the day of your colonoscopy. This is pretty obvious, but it’s kind of funny. You’re going to be pretty loopy after the procedure.

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2008. That was the year that this space started. It was the year I found out I have celiac. It was the year I started high college. It was the year I turned 15.

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Overnight Camp. From opening night camp fires to spending your days soaking up the sun, making a splash on Barlow Lake, or back riding, YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin offers a unique and memorable experience.

At this time last year I had never heard of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and the first time that I heard the name I thought that it was a “made up” disease.

Have you noticed a McDonald’s on every street corner in your area? Most people seem to take McDonalds for granted, but for someone with celiac disease, if you are traveling or stuck out in public for whatever reason, having McDonald’s gluten-free menu nearby can be very beneficial and reassuring.

A fellow celiac sent me the below rant and since it’s a long (and very important) read, I will waste no more time. Here you go: On June 22, 2013, on the CNN website I read that the American Medical Association is going to declare obesity a disease. What does this have to do with celiac? Absolutely

Celiac disease is on the rise, and the population-wide overuse of antibiotics could play a key role in triggering disease onset.

What are the most common celiac disease symptoms? We asked those living with the disease. The result is this infographic. Enjoy and share.

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Image Credit: Whatsername? / Flickr. This image has been modified. How a Gluten-Free Diet Can Be Harmful. Written By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM on February 23rd, 2016

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Given To Celiac Teen With 49