Do you believe in preaching good old-fashioned common sense? If so, I worry about your chances, because common sense is boring. Readers have already heard it so many times they tune out the minute they even catch a whiff of conventional wisdom.

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How Do You Handle A Smart Ass 34

How Do You Handle A Smart Ass 42

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How Do You Handle A Smart Ass 50

Smart Money Tracker and GARY SAVAGE – EXPOSED you will think twice before paying subscription to this guy

Even if you’ve started a company before, you will learn things that lead to successful commercialization.

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Yes, either way you might not have been successful. The question is, what is your goal? Many MVPs are not complete, maybe because …

When a verbal bully calls you a moron you may be taken aback, even a little startled. After all, it is a very nasty thing to say to someone. Some people think you should just ignore it, but if you do there is a pretty good chance the person will think you are an easy target, and they will probably single you out for more in the future.

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What’s a good comeback when someone says, “You are such a smart ass!” Of course it depends who says it, and how they say it, but go ahead and vote what you think is …

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Dead battery? Damaged screen? Drowned components? Let Broke Ass Phone. fix your smart device!. You can’t wait for days to get your smartphone, iPad or other smart device operational again!

For spaces that demand unstoppable airflow Industrial Fans. When you need a fan designed to take and stay in use, Big Ass Fans’ industrial line offers the durability, longevity and performance your facility demands.

In a series of posts, called readers choice, I write on whatever topics readers submit. [Note: Polarizing questions are silly since rarely in life do you …

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(No joke. This is actually how I deal with Lawyers. This isn’t just theory, this is my experience.) Have you ever seen the movie “Monsters Inc.”? It’s a