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Is masturbation a sin? Everyone knows in their hearts that masturbation is evil and a sin and against the natural law; What does the Bible Say about Masturbation?

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Masturbation is haram. It is something which is looked down on and has been an extremely controversial topic between seekers of the truth and sheikhs.

Sponsored link. Overview of Bible passages about masturbation: In the past, Christian leaders have mainly used two Bible passages to condemn masturbation:

masturbation—- is it a sin? more than a few of my readers have been asking me via google recently whether masturbation (or hastamaithun, as it is known in hindi) is a sin according to hindu practices.

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masturbation, is not directly mentioned in the Bible. Is it sin or not?, Tissot, Onan, Onanism, the uroboros, deeper definitions of immorality, purity and holiness, God intent for man’s sexual wholeness and fulfillment.

Does the Bible say anything about masturbation? The Bible does not mention the word “masturbation” nor does it say whether or not masturbation is a sin.

Article 1. Whether six species are fittingly assigned to lust? Objection 1. It would seem that six species are unfittingly assigned to lust, namely, “simple fornication, adultery, , seduction, , and the unnatural vice.” For diversity of matter does not diversify the species. Now the

Masturbation is not a sin, and neither are ‘lustful thoughts’. Most christians misinterpret Matthew 5:28.

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Adultery law in India: In case of adultery direct proof is difficult to get and one has to rely for proof thereof on circumstantial evidence and the same may be sufficiently proved from which adultery maybe inferred.

Abrahamic religions Biblical scholarship. The biblical story of Onan (Gen. 38) is traditionally linked to referring to masturbation and condemnation thereof, but the sexual act described by this story is coitus interruptus, not masturbation.

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