Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 31

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 34

Knovel is an engineering decision support solution that helps engineers solve complex problems efficiently to enhance business performance.

Journals: Impact Factor : ISSN : Publisher Name: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE: 2017 0.725 (2017) : 2410-5422: Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 83

SCIENCEDOMAIN international (SDI) publishes high-quality, OPEN peer reviewed, OPEN access international journals in various sectors …

Research comprises “creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.”

IOP Journal Archive. Representing some of the most important research published since 1874, the IOP Journal Archive is the definitive electronic collection for the scientific, technical and medical research community.

A crisis in academic publishing is “widely perceived”; the apparent crisis has to do with the combined pressure of budget cuts at universities and increased costs for journals (the serials crisis).

Links to the electronic sites of major journals publishing articles about plants and plant biology.

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 90

List of Orthodontic Journals A list of publications all related to orthodontics. European Journal of Orthodontics One of the leading periodicals in its field, The European Journal of Orthodontics publishes scientific papers aimed at all orthodontists.

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 102

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 89

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 71

Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols and reference works.

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 97

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 26

OMICS International publishes 700+ Open Access Journals in the fields of Clinical, Medical, Life Science, Pharma, Environmental, Engineering and Management.

Leading Russian Scientific Journals In 21