A: That is called Exostosis. If there is extra bone growth under the tongue, along the jaw line, then the lump may be a maxillary Tori. From your description you are identifying what is called a “Tori”.

Oct 31, 2011 · Lump in Gum & Root Canal. Discussion in ‘Dental Archive’ started by Unimobiles.com, Oct 9, 2011.

What causes bumps in mouth? A closer focus on bump in mouth, inside lip, no pain, under tongue, roof, std, gums, white, red and how to get rid of it. Bumps in Mouth Bumps in mouth can come from different illnesses as well as health conditions.

Feel a bump on the roof of your mouth? Here’s a list of 10 things it could be. We’ll also give you advice on when to call your doctor.

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The health of your mouth is directly connected with your general overall health. Therefore, you may be worried if you have discovered sore on the roof of your mouth.

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When the roof of mouth hurts, the palate has been irritated. Find out what causes palate pain and how to ease a sore and swollen roof of mouth.

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You may be concerned if you suddenly notice a strange lump or bump anywhere on your body, including in your mouth. Lumps or growths on the roof of your

Roof of the mouth pain is a common problem .This part of the mouth has delicate skin tissue that is susceptible to many mouth problems. Get more insight on the causes of roof of mouth pain, symptoms and treatment.

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Feb 02, 2017 · PLEASE HELP. Just a quick bit about me, I’m 20, female, smoker of 5 years, trying to quit as pregnant now. I’ve had this small lump on the roof of my mouth for at least a few years now from what I can remember.

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Lumps sometimes appear in various places on the body. One common area is the roof of the mouth, but finding a lump on the roof of your mouth is not necessarily a problem.