Why Does My Vagina Hurt During Sex 85

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In the Christian parenting books my man wrote, we were always the most perfect devout family. When I found out he was secretly trolling for gay sex online, I became obsessed with unmasking the truth.

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Why Does My manfriend Follow So Many Instagram Models? “I looked up his searches — lots of butt pages.”

we had sex during menstrual period but now the lady is complaining of hitching of outside vagina and some white discharges,what could be the problem?? while i had seen any sign of infection or sign??

I read your previous Sex Q&A on how to deal with a small penis — my problem concerns an uncooperative vagina. I don’t have sex all that often, but when I do penetration tends to be painful (with the exception of a small penis I had sex with that didn’t hurt me). I don’t bleed from penetration

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Feb 20, 2016 · Hi Heather, I’m really freaked out. A few days ago, my manfriend and I had sex without a condom. Afterwards, I felt like my vagina was pretty swollen, and when I looked down at it, I saw that it was VERY swollen.

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Recently I was contacted by one of my readers whose husband, as she described, acts like he hates her. She was telling me that they have been married for about nine years and it seemed to her that all the air was out of the marriage balloon.

As if pimples, emotional outbursts, cramps, exhaustion, and feeling bloated aren’t enough, the PMS demons have to throw uncomfortable back pain your way too.

If you aren’t wet enough during sex, you can actually be getting microabrasions inside your vagina while you’re knockin’ boots. If you’re really dry, this will be painful, but if you’re just a tad bit under-lubricated, the microabrasions …

Your breasts can hurt for lots of reasons. WebMD describes the types and causes of breast pain.

My Vagina By Larry Taft as told to John Hughes From the April 1979 issue of National Lampoon (Click on Picture for Larger Version) One morning last winter, um, I woke up and, well, I was asleep and then I woke up, and what I found was, um, well, I woke up, and there it was, and my what should have been there wasn t and what was there was …