Thousands of funny jokes! Blonde jokes, adult jokes, yo mama jokes, redneck jokes, lawyer jokes, jokes, sports jokes, relationship jokes and more!

Your Mama Jokes 2

Your Mama Jokes 104

The largest collection of yo momma jokes on the web. Yo mama is so fat, old, nasty, stupid and more.

These jokes are about fat mothers, specifically Yo Momma!

Your Mama Jokes 36 – Jokes and More. Yo mama so fat she left the house in high heels and when she came back she had on flip flops.

Yo mama so stupid joke collection. Enter your E-MAIL address BELOW for JOKES by E-MAIL once a WEEK!

Your Mama Jokes 24

Yo mama Jokes, including yo mama so fat, yo mama so stupid, so poor, so ugly, and much more.

Your Mama Jokes 95

Your Mama Jokes 90

Your Mama Jokes 18

Your Mama Jokes 107

30 -tested (and -approved!) jokes. Prepare for giggling and knee slapping!

Your mum’s so fat, that when she sits on a bus, the bus does a wheelie

Your Mama Jokes 69

Your Mama Jokes 34

Yo Mama Jokes – A page solely dedicated to yo mama jokes. Skinny or stupid, rich or poor, old or lazy and ugly yo mama jokes. Find them all here – Yo Mama Jokes and More. Yo mama so kind, I broke her hip, I ate her muffins, I smashed her lamp, and and I deleted her favorite show (Doc.Mcstuffins) and she did not seem to mind.